Well, it didn’t take so long before I found my professional aspect. Unfortunately not so pleasant way.
Nowadays there is a of lot talk like 30 is new 20 and 40 is new 30. And followed for that how 40 years old woman can surely have their firstborn. Yes, maybe so, but biology has planned, that women would get their first born shortly after first periods. And at your fourties it is already preparing for the coming menopause. The hormone production is already leaning on that direction. And it has it symptoms, like hot flushes.
Don’t get me wrong, I most certainly want each and every child have their rights to childhood. This is not a write about childrens rights, just about accepting your body as it is. Your age, hormones, skin... I’m surpriced how many even in my friends are using botox to hide aging. Taking care of your body with healthy life style is one thing, but using nervous toxines just because of look... And on the other hand not taking medication for those real symptoms, which are affecting also other people around you. I have heard it feels like you would like to sleep into a freezer. Well, happend to me lately, that I was too understanding for other’s symptoms. I was suggesting already when entering the hotel room, that I would take some other bed than that closest to the aircondition. But for some reason it didn’t get support. And it was requested to kept on every night. So I dressed my dear merino wool underwear, but was still freezing. And got cold really badly. I ended up into hospital with tacycardia and so weak condition (over one night) that they medicated me directly i.v. So few days in hospital -because of some else’s hot flushes. I’m so disappointed and angry to myself, that I didn’t defence my own wellbeing. So there won’t be any cool pics or stories about trekking into active vulcano or diving in vulcanic lake. And as my flights are already scheluded ahead, I totally missed those experiences, which would have been totally new and mind blowing to me. To get those I need to bye new flight tickets to Guatemala some other year. Even though I spent all too much time in hospital and recovering, I falled in love to Guatemala. Or maybe it was just the angel that was sent to me when needing him most. ❤️
But Ladies, not starting the medication don’t make the symptoms disappear. It won’t make them less tolerable if you pretend those are not there. But it will make other people living with you crazy. You can say my opinion reflects from my profession in medical industry, but after this experience I so totally understand men changing middle age woman to half younger. After being in hospital just because some one don’t accept the changes they are going through, I would have also concluded that the relationship is not good for me.
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